
Become the leading trust symbol of specialized nutritional products for each age not only in Vietnam but also in many other countries across the world.


NanColos commits to provide top quality products to the community according to the strictest standards and by the most reputable manufacturers; each product is a dedication and is responsible for human life and society.


We always first decide to choose the most dedicated and reputable partners in the market to ensure the quality is true to ABS-QE Standards (United States), food hygiene with competitive prices, respect for business ethics and adherence to the law.

philosophy of

NanColos wants to bring actually-effective products to the community, so we always keep in mind that the quality, creativity, and efficiency of the products are companions of us. Dr. Luxia is a dedication and responsibility to people’s life and society, a leading-quality product under ABS standards (United Stated) based on the understanding of the Vietnamese’s physical conditions and specific needs for each age.

of core values

Meet abs - qe standards new_zealand

clinically tested

Studied by leading nutrition experts

suitable for all ages